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serve on a team

Venture Church is growing and you can be part of what we're doing! Here is a list of our teams. Saying yes to a volunteer role is one of the best ways you can help us shine the light of Jesus in Wilmington. 

venture Kids

Raise up the next generation of God chasers with us. Roles available: Lead teacher (nursery, pre K to K, elementary), assistant teacher, check in, security. *All volunteers will be background checked and trained.

sunday tech

Make it possible for people to see and hear the truth of God in person and online. No experience necessary. Run the sound board, lighting, onscreen graphics, cameras, and online church service. 

Host team

Be the first smiling face people see at church by helping us create an inviting atmosphere on Sundays. We prep the lobby, fix communion, serve the coffee, and other fun hosty things. 


Lead our church family in worship. Musicians and singers practice on Thursdays to prepare for Sunday.

Youth Ministry

Help our teens to know and be known by God. They meet weekly on Sundays 3pm - 5pm. Adults 18 and older can serve as sponsors, mentors, game leaders, discussion leaders, and teachers. *All volunteers will be background checked.

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