We love to create opportunities for our middle and high school students to build community and grow in their faith. Our volunteer leaders do a great job of coming alongside parents and families to help guide students in their walk with God. Here are a few of those opportunities.
Below is a list of what's going on:

"I'm all in on MISSION with Venture Church!"
What you are committing to:
Owning Your Growth with the Venture Church Family
I Will VENTURE UP with Venture Church:
Worship God with my whole life.
Submit to Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
Trust the Holy Spirit to lead me.
I Will VENTURE IN with Venture Church:
Build meaningful relationships with others in the church.
Commit to knowing and being known by my church family.
Participate actively in the life of the church.
I Will VENTURE OUT with Venture Church:
Serve others with generosity, grace, and hospitality.
Be an active part of Venture’s mission to shine the light of Jesus in dark places.
Overflow God’s love to the world around me.
What Our Church Family is committing to:
We will make sure you don't have to do it alone!

What is this all about?
At Venture Church, we’re a body of believers on mission together, and we ask our regular attenders who are committed to Venture as active members to make it known so we can all support one another better.
The All In On Mission challenge invites you to commit to being an active part of what God is doing through Venture Church. This is about stepping into a life of purpose, connection, and impact.
We want to know who is all in on our mission and who is just visiting or checking us out.
Our services and events are for all people in all places on their faith journey, but our All In Crew is made up of those who are committed to being the church together.

Is This "Church Membership?"
Sure! This is our version of Church membership. But phrasing it differently just makes sure we have the time to talk about what we mean when we say we're all in on mission.
A couple thousand years of church history has made the concept of church membership a loaded phrase. For many it's more about what's in it for "me" (rights, votes, and privileges) than what's in it for others and the kingdom of God.
The Bible teaches that there is only one body, and you become a member of that body when you accept Jesus and are baptized into His name. So, if you're a believer, you already have "church membership!"
By stating that you are All In On Mission with Venture Church, you're specifically saying, "I'm here to serve with THIS local group of Christians. You can count on me, and I'm counting on you."