We love to create opportunities for our middle and high school students to build community and grow in their faith. Our volunteer leaders do a great job of coming alongside parents and families to help guide students in their walk with God. Here are a few of those opportunities.
Below is a list of what's going on:
New Here?
Here is some helpful Info:
When and Where do we meet?
Our building is at 76 Darlington Ave. In Wilmington. There is plenty of parking available in the grass lot beside the building as well as at a few adjacent businesses. Look for the Venture Parking Signs. Enter through the main entrance at the front of our building.
Main services are held in the auditorium and begins at 10am.
Feel free to arrive a little early to grab a cup of coffee and find a seat!
Once you enter the building, look to the right. The double doors at the end of the lobby are the entrance to the main room.
What is it like?
There is a free coffee bar in the front lobby. Help yourself.
Bathrooms are easily found in the front lobby as well.
Kids may be checked in at the kiosk at the left side of the lobby.
There is also seating in the lobby where you can view the service without having to go into the main room.
On a typical Sunday Service:
You’ll be welcomed from stage by one of our leaders.
Our band will lead us in a set of songs to God and about God.
There will be a time of teaching from the Bible
Followed by time for communion and reflection. Don’t worry, we’ll take the time to explain the whys and hows when the times come.
If you’re a guest, we’d love to invite you to fill out a “New Here” card so you can let us know you came.
There will be a volunteer at the exit door with a bucket for collecting any New Here cards, prayer cards, or other items we have as part of the service that day.
The bucket is also a chance for Venture regulars to share their offerings and tithes to support the ministries of our church. Guests are NOT expected to give any money. Our service is a free gift to anyone who needs it.
What Should I Wear?
Dress casually and comfortably. Most people are not "dressed up" but you are welcome to if you like it.
Most likely, the leaders on stage will be very casually dressed.
What about
my kids?
As you enter the building, you will see our children’s check-in area in the lobby to the left.
Our background-checked and trained volunteers will help you sign in your child for our Venture Kid’s classes.
They will also direct you where to go from there. We have classes for Newborns – 5th grade. Older kids should have a great time in the main session.
Our teaching team works hard to make sure the kid’s programming is age-appropriate and substantive! We aim to raise a new generation of God Chasers!