We love to create opportunities for our middle and high school students to build community and grow in their faith. Our volunteer leaders do a great job of coming alongside parents and families to help guide students in their walk with God. Here are a few of those opportunities.
Below is a list of what's going on:

Start Your Right Now Media Account Now!
Venture Church currently has a special promotional membership to Right Now Media that allows anyone who fellowships with our church family to have access to the awesome library.
What should I do with this?
There are so many ways this account can enhance your life and your faith:
Start a personal Bible study by watching a few each week.
Click on the Kid’s link and, instead of letting your kids drone out in front of Cartoon Network, let them watch some super entertaining programming that will also fill their heads and hearts with Godly things.
Your small group leader may be using RNM as the launching pad for your discussion, you can catch up if you miss a week or even study ahead.
There are video series focused on marriage, parenting, social issues, and any number of Biblical questions!
Start your account today and start looking for how you might work it into your routine. Don’t forget the App! You can also download the Right Now Media App for your smart phone or tablet!
What is Right Now Media?
RightNow Media is like “Netflix for the church” because they have a huge library with thousands of video sessions that people can access anytime, anywhere. Their creative team films and produces RightNow Media Originals featuring teaching from respected teachers and pastors. They also distribute video resources produced by over 100 other major Christian publishers and ministries.
The ultimate goal at RightNow Media is to encourage millions of Christians to be on mission wherever God has them … they firmly believe The Mission of the Church Matters. Everything they do is rooted in the belief that the church (people not buildings) can have a powerful impact on this world.