We love to create opportunities for our middle and high school students to build community and grow in their faith. Our volunteer leaders do a great job of coming alongside parents and families to help guide students in their walk with God. Here are a few of those opportunities.
Below is a list of what's going on:
Venture College
College Ministry at Venture Church
Our goal is to help college students find an anchor in the local church.
Find a Local Church
We know how hard it is to keep a strong spiritual foundation while away at college. We believe that the best answer to this is the local church. There are countless "on campus" ministry organizations that can help and we’re a huge fan of those! But nothing quite replaces the power of finding an anchor in a local church.
Discovering Family:
The Church is a family. Venture schedules time each month for college students to hang out at the home of a local family. The family provides free food and the students get to build friendships with them.
This is family. This is Church.
Need help working on your car?
Need directions to local store?
Looking for leads on weekend job?
Just need a safe place to hang out on a weekend?
It’s so nice to have local church family!
Serving Together:
Part of finding an anchor in the local church is the built in opportunities to serve both on a Sunday morning volunteer team AND in the various outreach projects in the city.
Home away from home:
College can be a lonely time of “finding yourself” why not make a home with the local church!
Contact Us
New to Wilmington, UNCW, or CFCC? Hit us up! One of our students would love to reach out and meet you.